

The Carnforth war memorial carries a number of plaques:

"Erected to the glorious memory of the men of Carnforth who obeyed the call of duty, went forth and died for their King and Country in the Great War 1914-1918."

Robert G. Abbott James M.F. Clarke George H. Morley
Albert H. Armer David W. Clark George H. Nelson
William Atkinson James Disberry Edwin Parkinson
John Baines John Edmondson William Pedder
Samuel Balderson G. Frederick Fleming Herbert Penrith
Thomas Balderson Henry Gardner Edwin Penswick
Robert Barton William V. Gilbert Harry Ratcliffe
Herbert Beattie William A. Glaister W. Arthur Rigg
Ernest M. Beck Edgar Hall William Shaw
James Beckett John H. Harper R. Sidney Simpson
Thomas Bedford Harry Higginson James Walkden
Noel Bennett Morris King Edward Watson
Robert E. Brockbank James S. Kirby John C. Watson
Fred W. Bullough Richard Little George C. Watson
John Campbell Percy E. Macefield William Whiteside
Thomas E. Capstick Christopher Marshall  

"This tablet was erected to the honoured memory of the men of Carnforth who have died since the armistice through the effects of their war service 1918-1924."

Bert Cambray Victor H. Postlethwaite James Wood
Thomas W. Cornthwaite Edward H. Smith Joseph Wright
John A. Nuttall Richard A. Smith
John T.H. Parkinson Robert B.P. Whiteside  

"Erected to the glorious memory of the men of Carnforth who obeyed the call of duty, went forth and died for their King and Country in the Great War 1939-1945."

Jack Astley Herbert Dumbleton Thomas Jenkinson
Robert B. Bagguley Edwin D. Edwards Stanley E. Lawson
Richard S. Battersby John Edwards John J. Martin
Clarence I. Bennett Thomas C. Garth John A. Proudlove
Harry Carpenter Harold Helm Edward H. Stott
Robert Dawson Anthony S. Jackson James W. Walkden

Harry Walker

"To the honoured memory of the men of Carnforth who died after the close of the 1939-1945 war from the effects of war service."

Edward Bagguley


There are some names where details cannot be certain, therefore no details are attached.
Carnforth Town Council have produced a leaflet of the Poppy Trail who list details of the people recorded on the War Memorial.

First World War

Second World War

The Carnforth Cemetery was not opened until 1925, therefore a number of them are buried at St Oswald's Church, Warton which was the local parish church.

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