


 "Erected by public subscription in honour of the men of Silverdale and Lindeth whose names are hereon inscribed who gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1919. Their names shall remain for ever and their glory shall not be blotted out."

John Allinson John Cornthwaite Thomas Holden
Henry Ambrose Ingram Dobson George W. Keen
George A. Bell Frederick Edmonson Gilbert Lambert
William Benjamin Lucien Farrar William Martindale
W. Henry Bolton Thomas A. Graham Richard Moss
James R. Bolton Reginald Hebden C. Leo Richmond
John Braithwaite John Hayton C. Ramsden Smith
Eric C. Champion John W. Hayton William H. Walker
Thomas P. Clark Jonathon Horn

Silverdale names WW2 1939-1945

John Maurice W. Briggs Cecil W. Hall Kenneth Hewitson

St. John's church, Silverdale, also carries a memorial to those who died in the Great War 1914-1919.

In addition to those named on the war memorial are the names:

Tyson Edmonson Martin Hodgson
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