


Please note that we are unable to undertake family history researches (unless you think it likely that we will have information concerning a specific family). 

For all general enquiries or requests for assistance, please in the first instance email the Chair at



How can I join the Society?

Click here for a downloadable membership form... and post to the Society Treasurer:

Andrew Davies
2 Maryland Close

... or, simply come to our next meeting and "sign up" there and then. (See Events for dates). You will be made very welcome!

How much does it cost?

There is an annual membership fee of £10 per year for an individual or £18 for a couple or family. Membership is renewable over the summer. Visitors are welcome for an entrance fee of £2 per meeting.

Who are the members?

Anybody who has an interest in the local history of the area can be a member, not necessarily only those who live within the boundaries of the old parish.

Where does the Society meet, and when?

The Society meets in Yealand Village Hall at 7.30 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month (except the December meeting which is on the second Thursday) from September to April.

Research Grants Policy

Over the last few years Mourholme members have published pieces of their own historical research. We have made two financial awards to both assist in the cost of publication and encourage research and publishing endeavours. The following list outlines the criteria for work which could be considered for publication through the Mourholme Local History Society.

The research must be original, and may look at primary evidence, secondary sources for the period under examination, or reach new conclusions from collection and examination of secondary sources currently in print.

The research must be put into the public domain in some printed form which uses the Mourholme Local History Society logo (it can also go on the web).

The research must address the old parish of Warton and the neighbouring area. The extent of the neighbouring area is open to interpretation.

The awards for any year would be for up to £125 and could be split between applicants.

The applications would be assessed by the committee or by a publications committee, and determinations would be final.


The Society has an archive of relevant books, photocopied documents, maps and journals stored at St. John's church, Yealand Conyers.

Contents of the Archive

1.Box files (photocopied material)

​​Townships by name alphabetically

​​Background material (eg Acts of Parliament)

​​Whole parish (eg newspaper articles, census records)

​​General by topic (eg agriculture, industry, transport)

​​Families (eg Washingtons)

​​Directories (copies from)

​​Oral history transcripts


2. ​Maps (photocopied)

Alphabetically by township

​​ By type (eg OS, tithe)


3. ​Books by category

General history

​​How to research local history

​​North west history

​​Neighbouring area

​​Warton parish


4: Mourholme Society magazines


5: National and local history journals